/* * JS基础处理框架 * -- 提倡互联网共享,同时应尊重原创作者,网站制作属: 爱企云 -- * * @company: iqweb * @author: jackey * timer: 2021年 * Tel:18565633435 * QQ:897232289 * WeChat:18565633435 */ var IqwXiongJs = { Width: $(window).width(), Height: $(window).height(), //锚点距离 maoNumber: 100, mClick: [], //数字滚动判断 NumberIf: true, Number: [], //有锚点才吸顶 maoTop: false, bannerAnimation: 'AddFadeInUp', //滚动条 MyScroll: null, //增加 WapNavIF: true, BannerSwiper: null, bodyTabSwiper: null, IndexColorSwiper: null, honorSwiper: null, colorSwiper1: null, colorSwiper2: null, colorSwiper3: null, colorSwiper4: null, colorSwiper5: null, colorSwiper6: null, developmentSwiper: null, photoSwiper: null, IndexNewsSwiper: null, //EventKey: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? 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